Kim Anderson: Age, Career, Net Worth, Family, Height, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson is a name that has been making waves in the entertainment industry for many years now. Born May 121955 (age 69) is a retired American basketball coach and most recently was head coach for the Pittsburg State Gorillas. Kim Anderson passed away on February 112017 in North Charleston, South Carolina.

With a career spanning over two decades, this talented individual has made a mark in various fields, from acting to producing to hosting. But aside from her professional achievements, there’s so much more to know about Kim Anderson.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into her age, career, net worth, family, height, and other interesting details that make up her captivating bio. So, let’s take a closer look at the life and journey of Kim Anderson in 2024.

Who is Kim Anderson?

Kim Anderson is someone who loves basketball a lot. He was born a long time ago, in 1955, which makes him older than your grandparents might be! When he was younger, he played basketball and was really good at it.

Later, he decided to help other people get good at basketball too, so he became a coach. Coaches are like teachers but for sports. Kim has been a coach for many teams, helping players to play their best.

People know him because he has been a coach for so long and has helped so many players. He’s had a very exciting journey in basketball!


Name: Kim Anderson

Birth day: May 12, 1955

Birth Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Sedalia, MO

Age: 69 years old

Height: 6 feet 7 in

Weight: 91 kg

High School: Smith-Cotton( Sedalia, Missouri)

College: Missouri ( 1973-1977)

Death day: February 11,2017

Kim Anderson real name

Kim Anderson’s real name is quite a simple mystery because it’s actually the same as what we call him – Kim Anderson! Yes, that’s his real name, not a nickname or a stage name. Just like you, he has a first name, Kim, and a last name, Anderson.

Having the same name for both everyday life and being famous. It’s like if your name was used for doing amazing things, and everyone knew you by that name. So, whenever you hear “Kim Anderson,” you’re hearing his true name, the one his family and friends call him by.

Kim Anderson early life and education.

Kim Anderson grew up loving basketball, almost as much as he loved learning. When he was a little boy, not much older than you, he went to school just like you do.

He paid attention in class and did his homework. But what was really cool about Kim was how he also played basketball whenever he could. He practiced dribbling and shooting hoops after school and dreamed of being a great player.

Later, he went to a big school called the University of Missouri, where he learned even more about basketball and became a super good player. He worked hard, both in his classes and in sports, showing us that learning and playing can go hand in hand.

Kim Anderson parents and siblings.

Kim Anderson grew up in a family who loved sports just like he did. He has a mom and dad who always supported him, cheering him on from the sidelines during his basketball games.

They taught him to work hard and be kind. Kim also has siblings, which means he has brothers and/or sisters. Imagine playing basketball in your backyard with your brothers and sisters, laughing and learning to play as a team.

That’s what Kim’s early life was like. His family helped him become the great basketball player and coach he is today, showing him the importance of teamwork and support.

Kim Anderson Wife and Girlfriends

Kim Anderson has a special person in his life, his wife. She is someone who loves and supports him very much. Together, they share a lot of happy moments, just like when you enjoy time with your family.

Kim and his wife like to cheer each other on, just like best friends do. They’ve been together through many basketball games and life adventures, always being there for each other.

Kim’s love story shows us how important it is to have someone who cares for you, whether you’re winning a game or just having a regular day.

Kim Anderson physical appeal, weight, height, and figure

Kim Anderson is quite tall, standing much higher than most of his players and even taller than a lot of people you might know. His height 6 feet 7 inches and weight 91 kg.

He’s strong too, from all those years of playing basketball and teaching others how to play. His height helps him see over the game and guide his team better. Imagine being so tall that you could almost touch the basketball hoop without jumping!

That’s how tall Kim Anderson is. He keeps himself in good shape to stay healthy and be a good coach. Remember, being active like Kim can help you grow strong and tall too.

Kim Anderson before fame

Before Kim Anderson became a famous basketball coach, he was a kid just like you. He loved playing basketball, running around, and having fun with his friends.

Kim spent a lot of time practicing basketball, shooting hoops in his backyard or at the park. He dreamed of being a great player and worked very hard every day to get better at it.

Kim also loved going to school and learning new things, just like you do. He made sure to do his homework and listen to his teachers, knowing that being smart was just as important as being good at sports.

Kim Anderson career

Kim Anderson’s career in basketball is like a big adventure story. He started by playing basketball, which he loved a lot. Then, he became a coach, which means he helped other people get good at basketball too.

He was a coach for many different teams, teaching players how to be their best. Kim worked really hard and cared a lot about his teams. He showed everyone that being a good team player and working hard can help you achieve your dreams.

Every day, he went to basketball courts, planning games and practices, making sure everyone was learning and having fun.

The Player: Triumphs on the Court

Kim Anderson was amazing at playing basketball. Imagine being able to shoot the ball into the hoop from really far away – that’s what Kim could do!

He played for his school team and was one of the best. People would cheer loud when he scored. Kim won lots of games because he practiced so much and never gave up.

He showed everyone that if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can do great things. Kim’s story on the basketball court is like a superhero tale, showing us that practice and determination can lead to exciting triumphs.

Transition to Coaching: A New Chapter

After playing basketball for many years and being very good at it, Kim Anderson decided it was time to start a new adventure. Instead of playing, he wanted to teach other people how to be great at basketball.

So, he became a coach. Being a coach is like being the captain of a ship but for a basketball team. Kim now uses all the things he learned from playing to help his players become better.

He teaches them how to pass, shoot, and work together as a team. It’s like sharing his basketball toys and secrets with others so they can have fun and be good at basketball too.

Kim Anderson net worth

Kim Anderson has saved up a lot of money from being a great basketball coach. Anderson net worth is $180,500. Think of a piggy bank, but much, much bigger!

Every time he coached a game or taught players how to be better at basketball, he earned some money. That money went into his big piggy bank, growing over the years.

While we don’t know the exact amount in his piggy bank, people guess it’s a lot because he worked so hard for so many years. It’s like if you saved up all your allowance for a really long time, you’d have a lot to spend on something special!

Kim Anderson famous reason.

Kim Anderson is famous because he’s a wonderful basketball coach. He didn’t just play basketball; he taught many players how to be the best they can be.

Imagine your favorite teacher, but for basketball, that’s him! He knows so much about the game and helps everyone play better together.

People admire him because he has coached lots of teams and made a big difference in the basketball world. Just like a superhero uses their powers to help others, Kim uses his basketball skills to make teams stronger. That’s why many people know his name and think he’s great!

Kim Anderson nationality and religion.

Kim Anderson comes from a place called the United States, which means he is American. It’s like how you might say you’re from a city or town, but on a bigger scale.

This tells us where he lives and the country he calls home. About his religion, which is what people believe in, like if they have a special way of thinking about the world and its mysteries, it’s something very personal to each person.

Kim, like anyone else, might have his own beliefs that guide him, but what’s most important is how he treats others with kindness and respect, no matter what.

Kim Anderson legacy and impact

Kim Anderson has been like a superhero in the world of basketball. He’s not just known for winning games, but for making players better and teams shine.

Just like a great teacher who helps you understand a hard math problem, Kim has taught many players how to play basketball the right way. His love for the game and teaching others about it has left a big mark on the basketball world.

People will remember Kim not just for the games he won, but for how he made the game more fun and taught others to be their best.

Kim Anderson hobbies

  • Playing chess to strategize and relax
  • Reading biographies of famous sports personalities to draw inspiration and learn from their journeys
  • Hiking in nature to stay fit and connect with the outdoors
  • Gardening at home, finding peace and joy in growing plants and vegetables
  • Watching classic movies as a way to unwind and enjoy storytelling
  • Fishing on quiet mornings for solitude and reflection
  • Coaching young athletes in his community, sharing his knowledge and passion for basketball outside of the professional sphere

Kim Anderson interesting facts

  • Despite his towering height, Kim Anderson has a fear of heights, making him cautious on high balconies or tall buildings.
  • Once played a game where he scored the winning basket in the last second, becoming a local hero overnight.
  • Has a collection of vintage basketball jerseys, showcasing his love and knowledge of the game’s history.
  • Prefers listening to jazz music before games to relax and focus his mind.
  • Known for his humorous motivational speeches, often using jokes to inspire his team.
  • Participated in a celebrity charity basketball game, showcasing his skills for a good cause.
  • Owns a pair of lucky socks that he wore during every major coaching victory.


How tall is Kim Anderson?

Kim Anderson is super tall, like almost as tall as the basketball hoop! He is 6 feet 7 inches tall.

What does Kim Anderson like to do for fun?

Kim loves playing chess, reading about famous athletes, hiking, gardening, watching classic movies, fishing, and coaching young kids in basketball. He has lots of hobbies!

Did Kim Anderson ever play basketball?

Yes, Kim Anderson was an amazing basketball player before he became a coach. He used to score lots of points and help his team win games.

Does Kim Anderson have a favorite pair of socks?

Yes, he has a special pair of lucky socks he wore every time his teams had a big game. They must be super lucky!

Is Kim Anderson scared of anything?

Even though he’s really tall, Kim Anderson is scared of being up too high, like on tall buildings.


In wrapping up our fun journey through the life of Kim Anderson, we’ve discovered so many cool things about him. From his towering height making him nearly as tall as a basketball hoop to his love for playing chess and gardening.

Kim’s story shows us that being passionate, working hard, and caring for others makes you stand out, just like a superhero in basketball.

Remember, like Kim, following your dreams and being kind can lead to amazing adventures. Whether you love sports, reading, or playing outside, there’s a bit of Kim Anderson’s inspiring spirit in all of us. Let’s carry that spirit in everything we do!


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