Bonnie Rotten: Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio/Wiki 2024.

Bonnie Rotten

Bonnie Rotten, also known by her real name Alaina Hicks, is a rising star in the world of adult entertainment. Rotten was born on May 9, 1993, in Hamilton, Ohio. Her charm captivated fans from the start. Bonnie Rotten has a unique look and gives captivating performances. She began her career as a dancer in local clubs. She is net worth(approx.) $1.5 million.

Rotten soon caught the eye of producers and entered the world of adult films. Since then, she has appeared in many videos and web scenes. She gained a huge following and earned critical acclaim for her work. As we head into 2024, Rotten’s career continues to thrive, and her fan base only continues to grow.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 7 inches and weighing 48 kilograms. In this blog post, we will look at her early life. Then, we will cover her career, personal life, body measurements, and net worth. So let’s dive into the world of Bonnie Rotten and get to know the talented actress behind the stage name.

Who is Bonnie Rotten?

Bonnie Rotten:

Bonnie Rotten is a well-known adult film actress. Her real name is Alaina Hicks, and she was born in a place called Hamilton, Ohio. She grew up like any other girl, but when she became older, she decided to dance and act in special adult movies.

People admire her unique character and exceptional professional skills. She has many people who enjoy watching her movies, and she works very hard. People know Bonnie for her tattoos and big smile.

Bonnie Rotten Early Life and Education

Bonnie Rotten grew up in a small town called Hamilton, Ohio. Imagine a town with houses, schools, and parks where kids play. That’s where Bonnie started her journey. She was a little girl, like any other, going to school and learning about the world.

Bonnie liked drawing and playing with her friends. She went to a local school where she learned to read, write, and do math, like you. School is a place where you discover what you love doing. For Bonnie, it was when she started to dance and act, showing she was creative from a young age. Her education helped her become the person she is today, ready to follow her dreams.

Bonnie Rotten Parents and Siblings

Bonnie Rotten, also known as Alaina Hicks, hails from a family in Hamilton, Ohio. There isn’t a lot of talk about her family. Like many of us, she has parents who took care of her when she was little. Bonnie might have brothers or sisters.

But, she keeps that part of her life private. So, few people know about them. I imagine. She might have played games and shared secrets with her siblings. You do the same with your brothers or sisters. Families are special. Bonnie’s family helped her become amazing.

Bonnie Rotten Husband and Boyfriend

Bonnie Rotten, or as her friends call her, Alaina Hicks, has a special someone in her life. It’s like in fairy tales where the princess finds her prince. She said “I do” to her prince, meaning she got married, and they decided to be a team in this big, exciting world.

Like in any story, there might be ups and downs. But, having someone you care about makes the adventure better. Bonnie has someone special to share her grown-up life with. It’s like having a best friend to share your secrets and play with. Remember, every fairy tale is different, and so is Bonnie’s.

Bonnie Rotten Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Bonnie Rotten is a big name in her world of movies, and many people know who she is. She was born when the flowers start to bloom in May, on the 9th in 1993. That makes her 31 years old as we dance into 2024. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 7 inches and weighing 48 kilograms.

She is a young star who turned 31 years old. Bonnie is not too tall and not too short; she stands as tall as five feet seven inches. That’s like stacking about seven rulers on top of each other! She also weighs right for her height. People know Bonnie for her bright smile. She also has many colorful tattoos. They make her special and easy to spot in a crowd.

Bonnie Rotten Before Fame

Before Bonnie Rotten became a star in her movies, she was like any kid you might know. She loved to dance and act, showing off her creative side whenever she could. Bonnie didn’t start out famous; she worked very hard to learn how to entertain people. Imagine practicing your favorite hobby every day.

This could be drawing or playing soccer. You do this to get really good at it. That’s what Bonnie did with her dancing and acting. She used to perform in shows at local clubs, dancing in front of people, which helped her learn how to be on a stage. All her practice and hard work helped her become the star she is now.

Bonnie Rotten:

Bonnie Rotten Career

Bonnie Rotten’s job is like being in a play, but not the kind you see in school. She dresses up and acts in front of a camera, but only adults can watch her performance. Think of her as a kind of movie star for adults. Bonnie started out by dancing on stages, kind of like when you’re in a school play but want to take it to the next level.

She worked very hard and learned a lot to be good at her job. People love her movies. She excels at embodying diverse personas with remarkable versatility. It’s like when you dress up and pretend while playing with your friends.

Net Worth and Achievements

Bonnie Rotten has worked hard and has saved a lot of treasure from her movie work, like a pirate finding gold! People perceive her treasure chest as a large financial reserve. Coins overflow the container, sparkling with immense accumulated wealth. Besides saving lots of coins, Bonnie has won awards, too. She is net worth(approx.) $1.5 million.

Achieving excellence earns recognition, symbolized by coveted awards like gold stars or trophies. She has gotten special trophies for being an amazing actress and for doing her best in her movies. Bonnie keeps working hard, and who knows? She might get even more trophies and add more shiny coins to her treasure chest!

Future Plains

Bonnie Rotten has big dreams for the days ahead. She’s like a superhero in her own movie, always ready for new adventures. Bonnie wants to keep making her special movies. She loves entertaining her fans.

She also dreams about traveling to far-off places, even finding new stories to act out. Bonnie thinks about learning new things. She wants to learn to paint and play music. Doing so could be fun ways to share her talents. Bonnie envisions a thrilling future, fueled by boundless ambition and dreams.

Social Media Presence

Bonnie Rotten boasts a massive online following. She uses social media, like a lot of us do. Imagine a place online. There, you can share pictures and talk about what you’re doing. You can even make new friends. That’s what Bonnie does on her social media pages.

Bonnie Rotten has accounts on big sites where lots of people go, like Instagram and Twitter. She shares photos. She tells her fans about her day. Sometimes, she even shares fun things like what she loves to eat or places she’s visiting. It’s like having a big online album. There, she can put her favorite moments and talk to fans from all over the world.


  • Drawing: Bonnie loves to draw pictures. She might draw animals, flowers, or anything that comes into her mind. It’s like when you doodle in your notebook.
  • Dancing: Remember how Bonnie used to dance in clubs? She still loves dancing. It’s like when you dance around your room to your favorite songs.
  • Exploring New Places: Bonnie loves to go on adventures to see new places. It’s like when you go on a family trip to somewhere you’ve never been before.
  • Playing Video Games: You might enjoy games on a console or tablet. Bonnie loves video games too. She might play adventure games or puzzles to pass the time.
  • Reading: Bonnie loves to read books. It could be stories about pirates, princesses, or even mysteries. It’s like when you read a storybook before bedtime. Each of these hobbies makes Bonnie happy, like your hobbies make you smile.

Favorite Thing

  • Tattoos: Bonnie loves tattoos a lot. She thinks of them like stickers for her skin, but they don’t peel off. Each tattoo tells a story, kind of like pages in a picture book.
  • Animals: She adores animals, especially puppies and kittens. She loves their soft fur and the funny sounds they make. It’s like having a furry friend to play with all the time.
  • Halloween: This is Bonnie’s favorite holiday. She enjoys dressing up in costumes, like playing pretend but for a whole day. It’s a time for spooky stories and yummy treats.
  • Rock Music: Bonnie enjoys loud and exciting rock music. This music makes you want to dance, like a catchy cartoon theme song. These are the things that make Bonnie the happiest!

Interesting Facts About

  • Bonnie Rotten has won special awards. She was super good in her movies, like winning a trophy at school sports day!
  • She started getting tattoos when she was just a little older than you. Now she has lots of them all over, telling different stories.
  • Bonnie once worked at a drive-thru restaurant, where people get food from their cars! Imagine her handing out burgers and fries before she became a movie star.
  • She loves spooky things and enjoys scary movies – but only the kind that are okay for grown
  • ups!
  • Bonnie can do some cool tricks with a skateboard. It’s like she’s a superhero who can glide and do flips on it!
  • She’s a mom, which means she has a little one to take care of, play with, and read stories to, just like your parents do with you.
  • Bonnie really likes to help animals and sometimes visits animal shelters to help take care of pets that don’t have homes.


 What does Bonnie Rotten do for work?

Bonnie Rotten stars in adult movies. It’s like she plays dress-up and pretends to be different characters.

How did Bonnie become famous? 

She started by dancing in clubs and then worked very hard to learn how to be great in her movies. Mastering a skill requires dedication, like honing a sport or game skill.

Does Bonnie have any hobbies?

Yes! Bonnie loves to draw, dance, explore new places, play video games, and read books. It’s like having lots of fun activities to do after school or on the weekend.

Why does Bonnie have tattoos?

Bonnie loves tattoos. They’re like permanent stickers that tell stories on her skin. Each one is special to her, like a memory or a favorite thing.


Bonnie Rotten, also known as Alaina Hicks, has shared with us a colorful journey. It was full of adventure, like the stories in our favorite books. Bonnie danced on stages. Now, she acts in adult films. She has shown us that chasing our dreams is the key to joy. Along the way, she has collected many tattoos. Each one tells a unique story.

She has also found joy in her favorite hobbies: drawing, dancing, and exploring new places. Bonnie’s life is like a treasure map, leading her to find gold in the form of awards and the love of her fans. She is like the heroes in our storybooks. She teaches us that being true to ourselves and working hard can lead to exciting adventures. Life is a beautiful journey with magical moments. We can each create an amazing story like Bonnie’s.


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