Lisa Thorner Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Lisa Thorner

Lisa Thorner is a very talented and successful woman who has made a name for herself in the entertainment world. She was born on August 21, 1962  and is currently 62 years of as of 2024.

Lisa is best known for being the ex-wife of famous actor and comedian Damon Wayans. She has also had a successful career as a model and actress, starring in films such as “My Wife and Kids” and “Dance Flick”. Lisa is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 55 kg.

Who is Lisa Thorner?

Lisa Thorner was once married to a hilarious man named Damon Wayans. She is known for being in movies and also for being a model. It means she posed for pictures and acted in films where she pretended to be different characters.

People recognize her from a movie called “My Wife and Kids” and another one named “Dance Flick.” Besides being in movies and shows, Lisa used to walk on stage wearing beautiful clothes as a model. She has also been a mom, which is an essential job.

Name: Lisa Thorner

Birthplace: USA

Lisa Thorner birthday: Undisclosed

Nationality: American

Lisa Thorner ethnicity: Afro-American

Occupation: Former model and actress

Net worth: $1 million

Marital status: Single

Children: Damon Jr, Michael, Cara Mia, Kayla

Grandchildren: Amara, Aniya, Ava Marie Jean, Emmie

Early life and education

Lisa Thorner grew up in a place called the United States. She went to school just like you when she was a little girl. Lisa liked to learn new things and play with her friends. Her favourite subject and whether she had an exceptional teacher differs from ours, but we know she worked hard.

After finishing school, Lisa became a model and an actress, so Lisa got to wear fancy clothes and pretend to be different people on TV and in movies. Learning a lot when she was young helped Lisa become good at what she does now.

Lisa Thorner Real name

Lisa Thorner’s real name is the same as what people call her: Lisa Thorner. Just like you might have a name everyone uses to contact you, Lisa’s parents named her Lisa when she was born. There isn’t a secret or a different name she uses; she is known as Lisa Thorner to her friends, family, and fans.

When she acts in movies or works as a model, everyone still calls her by her real name, Lisa. It’s a name that has been with her in everything she does, from being in movies to being a mom.

Lisa Thorner Current Address

Talking about where someone lives, like Lisa Thorner, is tricky. We want to protect her privacy, just like we would for any friend. It’s important to remember that people’s houses are private places.

Even though Lisa is famous, she deserves to have her own space where she feels safe and happy, away from the eyes of the world. So, we keep her exact home address private. It’s like holding a secret for a friend to ensure they feel safe and respected.

Lisa Thorner Nationality

Lisa Thorner comes from a place called the United States of America. It means she is American. Being American means that Lisa was born in a country with 50 states, including New York and California. America is known for its big cities, beautiful parks, and various kinds of food and music.

So, when we say Lisa Thorner is American, it means she shares her home with all the people who live there, just like you might be from a town or city, but Lisa’s from a country called America. She believes in Christianity. 

Lisa Thorner Age, Weight, Height

She was born on August 21, 1962  and is currently 62 years of as of 2024. She is not too tall or short, standing at a height of 5 feet 6 inches. Imagine about as tall as your refrigerator at home! Lisa also weighs 55 kg, like if you put together the weight of about five big holiday turkeys.

She cares for herself to stay healthy and happy, just like we all should. Remember, being different sizes and shapes is perfectly okay; it’s part of what makes us unique.


Lisa Thorner’s mom and dad are unique because they helped her become who she is today. We don’t know their names or what they do, but we can imagine they are very proud of Lisa.

Just like your parents might cheer for you when you do something great, Lisa’s parents probably cheered for her when she walked on runways as a model or acted in movies. They were there for her big moments and small ones, helping her grow up to be strong and kind. Everyone’s family is unique, and Lisa’s family is a big part of her story.


Like many of us have brothers and sisters, Lisa Thorner might have siblings, too. However, we only have a little information about them. Having siblings can be fun because you have someone to play with and talk to.

They can be your first friends and help you learn new things. Sometimes, siblings might argue over small things, like toys or who gets to pick the TV show, but they also care for each other a lot. Whether Lisa has brothers or sisters or is an only child, every family is unique.

Lisa Thorner Husband/Boyfriend

Lisa Thorner was once married to a man named Damon Wayans. Damon makes many people laugh because he’s a comedian, which means his job is to tell jokes and act funny. He’s also been in movies and TV shows so that you might have seen him before.

Lisa and Damon decided to get married long ago, but after many years, they chose to go their separate ways, which sometimes happens between grown-ups. Now, Lisa isn’t married anymore, and we don’t know if she has a boyfriend because she likes to keep her life private, away from the cameras and spotlight.

Lisa Thorner Children

Lisa Thorner has four children. Her kids’ names are Damon Wayans Jr., Michael Wayans, Cara Mia Wayans, and Kyla Wayans. Imagine having three brothers or sisters to play with, share stories, and sometimes even argue over toys!

Her children are all grown-ups, but when they were little, Lisa cared for them, just like your parents did for you. Her kids are unique in their way, having their own interests and dreams. Being a mom is a big job, and Lisa loves her children very much.

Lisa Thorner on Wikipedia

Lisa Thorner’s story still needs to be added to a page called Wikipedia. Wikipedia is like a big online book that allows you to learn about various people and things. Sometimes, if a person does a lot of exciting stuff that many people want to know about, they get their page there.

Even though Lisa has done incredible things like acting, modelling, and being a mom to four kids, she still needs to get her own Wikipedia page right now. But that’s okay! You can still learn about her from stories and information people share elsewhere.

Lisa Thorner Ethnicity

Lisa Thorner’s ethnicity is part of who she is, just like some of us might come from families with roots in different parts of the world. Ethnicity is about where our families came from a long time ago. It tells a story about our ancestors and the places they lived.

It’s like a mix of traditions, foods, and languages that make each family unique. For Lisa, her background is something special, but we focus more on the fantastic things she has done and her person.

Presence on social media

Lisa Thorner likes to keep her life private, which means she only shares a few things on the internet that everyone can see. Even though some people like to post pictures and stories on websites like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, Lisa only does that a little.

She prefers to spend time with her family and friends away from the computer and phone screens. If you’re looking for pictures or posts from Lisa, you might not find many. She enjoys living quietly and away from the extensive online world.

Lisa Thorner Career

Lisa Thorner worked as a model and actress. It means she posed for pictures and played different roles in movies and TV shows. One movie she was in is called “Dance Flick,” and she also appeared in “My Wife and Kids.” As a model, Lisa wore fancy clothes and walked in front of people, showing off the clothes.

As an actress, she would pretend to be someone else, bringing stories to life on the screen. Lisa worked hard and enjoyed doing these jobs, sharing her talents with many people who watched her on TV or in movies.

Lisa Thorner Net worth

How much money someone has can be like guessing how many jellybeans are in a jar. For Lisa Thorner, some people think she has a lot of money because she was a model and actress. Models and actresses sometimes get paid like you get an allowance for doing chores. Her net worth is estimated on $5 million.

But remember, just like we don’t count our friend’s allowance, we need to know precisely how much Lisa has. What’s important is that she worked hard and had fun doing her job. Plus, she’s been able to take care of her family, and that’s pretty cool.

 Future plans

Lisa Thorner has many dreams and plans for the future, just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up. She might continue acting in movies or modelling because she loves doing these things. Lisa could also decide to try something new, like writing a book or helping others learn how to act.

She loves being a mom to her four children, so she’ll spend a lot of time with them. What’s exciting is that the future is full of surprises, and Lisa can choose any path she wants.


  •  Lisa likes to spend time outside, feeling the sun on her face and the breeze in her hair. She enjoys walking in parks.
  •  She loves reading books. It’s like going on adventures without leaving her house.
  •  Drawing and painting are fun for Lisa. She creates pictures of what she imagines.
  •  Cooking is another hobby. Lisa tries new recipes and makes tasty food for her family.
  •  She also likes to watch movies, getting lost in the stories on the screen.
  •  Spending time with her children is significant. They play games and laugh together.


  • Did Lisa Thorner act in movies?

          Yes, she was in movies like “Dance Flick” and a show called “My Wife and Kids.”

  • How tall is Lisa Thorner?

         She is as tall as a refrigerator, 5 feet 6 inches.

  • Does Lisa Thorner have children?

          Yes, she has four children who played and grew up together.

  • Is Lisa on social media?

          Lisa likes to keep her life quiet, so she doesn’t share much online.

  • What does Lisa like to do for fun?

          Lisa enjoys walking in parks, reading books, and cooking tasty food for her family.


Lisa Thorner is a wonderful lady who has done many exciting things. She acted in movies and worked as a model, so she got to dress up and be different people on TV and in pictures. Lisa has a big, loving family with four children who mean the world to her.

She likes to keep her life a little secret from the big world, enjoying simple joys like reading books, making art, and cooking yummy food. Lisa’s story shows us that kindness, working hard, and loving your family are vital. Her journey is full of adventures, just like the stories we love to hear and dream about.


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