Jose Dinis Aveiro Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age, Birthday,Bio/Wiki 2024.

Jose Dinis Aveiro

Jose Dinis Aveiro, and he is not only the father of Ronaldo but also a famous municipal gardener from Portugal. He may not be a household name like his son, but he was an important figure in Ronaldo’s life.

In this blog post, we will learn more about José Dinis Aveiro’s height, weight, net worth, age and birthday. So get ready to discover some interesting facts about this remarkable man!

Who is Jose Dinis Aveiro?

José Dinis Aveiro was a kind man from Portugal. He worked as a gardener in a small town. What makes him special? He is the dad of a very famous soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo! José worked hard to raise his family and ensure Ronaldo had everything he needed to become the superstar he is today.

Although José may not be as famous as Ronaldo, his role as a supportive dad was very important. Let’s explore who José Dinis Aveiro was and his impact on Ronaldo’s life!

Early Life of Jose Dinis Aveiro

Jose Dinis Aveiro was born in a small town in Portugal. His family was not rich but full of love and warmth. His days were often spent outside, working in the gardens. This is where he found his passion for plants and nature.

He became a gardener, a job he loved because it kept him close to the earth. Little did he know that his future son, Cristiano Ronaldo, would grow up to be close to the football pitch instead. Even though they had different passions, their love for their work was the same. Isn’t that cool?

Country where he lives

José Dinis Aveiro lived in a beautiful country called Portugal. It has lots of sunshine, green hills, and beautiful beaches. Portugal is known for its yummy food, friendly people, and love for football. José lived in a small town in Portugal, where everyone knew each other.

He was often seen tending to the gardens, creating a beautiful green space for everyone to enjoy. He also loved watching football games with his family. Portugal is José’s home and where Cristiano Ronaldo started his journey to become a big football star!

 José Dinis Aveiro Wife  

Do you know who was the queen of José’s heart? Her name was Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro. She was a cook and was loved for her warm and kind heart. She and José fell in love and got married. They were life partners and had four children together. Maria played a big role in raising the children, especially Ronaldo.

She cooked yummy meals, cheered for them at games, and gave them lots of love. Maria and José’s love story shows that behind a successful man, there is a strong and supportive woman. Isn’t that beautiful?

 Jose Dinis Aveiro Height, Weight, Net Worth, Age, Birthday,


José and Maria had four wonderful kids. The oldest is Elma, followed by Liliana Cátia, also known as Katia. Then came the world-famous Cristiano Ronaldo. The youngest is Hugo.

Each one of them had a special place in José’s heart. He taught them to work hard, respect others, and love nature like him. He would often take them to the garden where he worked, teaching them about plants and the beauty of nature.

josé dinis aveiro grandchildren

José Dinis Aveiro, Cristiano Ronaldo’s dad, has cute grandkids! Yes, Ronaldo’s kids are José’s grandchildren. So, José is not just Ronaldo’s dad but also a grandpa. Ronaldo has four kids. They are Cristiano Ronaldo Jr., Eva and Mateo twins, and little Alana Martina.

José Dinis Aveiro must have loved playing with them and watching them grow. Being a grandpa can be fun; you can spoil your grandkids with love and candies! So, José Dinis Aveiro’s grandchildren are Ronaldo’s kids, and they must have lots of fun stories to share about their grandpa.

How old is josé dinis aveiro?

José Dinis Aveiro was born on September 30, 1954. That seems like a long time ago. If you do the math, you will find out how old he would be today. But here’s a fun fact: Every time it’s September 30, José will have a birthday! His son, Cristiano Ronaldo, must have celebrated many birthdays with him. Birthdays are special days when we get to be happy and have fun with family and friends. 

josé dinis aveiro height cristiano ronaldo dad height

José Dinis Aveiro, Cristiano Ronaldo’s dad, wasn’t as tall as his son. Ronaldo is tall, like a big tree! He is about 6 feet 2 inches tall. But his dad, José, was a bit shorter.

His height was around 5 feet 8 inches. That’s still quite tall. So, you see, height doesn’t make a soccer superstar. It’s all about how hard you work, just like José taught Ronaldo.

Death and Its Impact on Cristiano Ronaldo

José Dinis Aveiro sadly passed away when Cristiano Ronaldo was just 20 years old. It was a tough time for Ronaldo. José was more than just a father; he was Ronaldo’s cheerleader and friend. The loss was big, but Ronaldo was brave. He continued to play football and worked even harder.

He wanted to make his dad proud. Ronaldo has said that his dad’s passing made him realize the importance of life. He now helps others through charity, just like his dad taught him. So, even though José is not here anymore, his lessons live on in Ronaldo.

josé dinis aveiro age at death

It’s sad, but everyone’s life journey has an end. For José Dinis Aveiro, Cristiano Ronaldo’s dad, that time came in 2005. He was 51 years old then. Even though he is no longer here, his love and lessons continue to live in Ronaldo and his grandkids. José must have been a great dad and grandpa.

He may not be here now, but his family and hard work will always be remembered. His age at death reminds us to value each day and make it count, just like he did.

José Dinis Aveiro’s Influence on Ronaldo’s Philanthropy

Did you know Ronaldo does a lot of charity work? Yes, he does! Ronaldo helps many people, and this comes from his father, José Dinis Aveiro. José taught Ronaldo to care about others and to lend a helping hand when someone needs it.

So, Ronaldo uses his fame to help people. He donates money to schools, hospitals and other good causes. José Dinis also encourages others to help too. It’s like José’s kindness is living on through Ronaldo. Isn’t it nice that Ronaldo follows in his father’s footsteps?

Before Fame

Before he became known as Cristiano Ronaldo’s father, José Dinis Aveiro was a simple man with a big heart. He spent his days caring for the gardens in his hometown in Portugal.

He didn’t have much money, but he had lots of love for his family and nature.  Jose Dinis Aveiro worked hard daily and dreamed of a better future for his kids. It was a simple life, but José was happy. He didn’t know it then, but his hard work and love would help his son, Ronaldo, become a big football star!


 Jose Dinis Aveiro was a passionate gardener by trade. He worked for the municipality in his small Portuguese town, making the public parks and spaces look lovely and green. You’d see him with his gardening tools, wearing his big smile every day. He loved being surrounded by plants and nature.

José was not rich or famous but took great pride in his work. His dedication and love for his job were something that he passed on to his son, Ronaldo. Isn’t it cool how José’s love for gardening can be seen in Ronaldo’s love for football?

Net Worth

 Jose Dinis Aveiro lived a simple life as a gardener. He wasn’t rich or famous, but he had a lot of love for his work and family. He didn’t earn much money but was rich in other ways. His wealth wasn’t in dollars and cents but in the love of his family and the joy he found in his garden.

A man’s true value isn’t in his bank account but in his heart and actions. José’s wealth was in his kindness and hard work. His son, Ronaldo, learned these values from his dad. Cool, isn’t it?Her net worth is $20 millon.

Legacy and Impacts

José Dinis Aveiro may be remembered as Ronaldo’s father, but he was much more! He loved his family, plants, and his work as a gardener. His teachings of hard work and kindness shaped Ronaldo into the great football player and kind-hearted person he is today.

 Jose Dinis Aveiro life shows that even simple people can make a big difference. Now, Ronaldo helps others, just like his dad taught him. So, José’s caring spirit lives on, not only in Ronaldo but also in the people Ronaldo helps. It’s proof that one person’s kindness can touch many lives!


  • José loved spending time in the garden. He could often be found with his hands in the dirt, caring for plants.
  • His other hobby was watching football. He would often cheer for his favorite teams on TV.
  • On weekends, he enjoyed long walks in the countryside, enjoying the beautiful Portuguese landscapes.
  •  Jose Dinis Aveiro also liked to play board games with his family. It was a fun way to spend time together and laugh.
  • Lastly, José had a big heart for animals. He often fed stray dogs and cats in his neighborhood.
  • This showed his caring and kind nature.

Favorite things

  •  Jose Dinis Aveiro loved the smell of fresh soil. Gardening was his favorite thing to do!
  • He enjoyed the simple beauty of flowers and plants. They always brought a smile to his face.
  • His favorite food was Maria’s home-cooked meals. They were always delicious!
  • He loved watching football on TV. He cheered on his favorite teams with enthusiasm.
  • José enjoyed spending time with his family. Their laughter and happiness were his favorite sounds.
  • Walking in the countryside was one of his favorite pastimes. He loved the peaceful, natural beauty of Portugal.
  • Lastly, his favorite animals were dogs and cats. He often cared for strays in his neighborhood.


– Who was José Dinis Aveiro? José was a Portuguese gardener and the father of Cristiano Ronaldo.

What was José’s job?
José was a municipal gardener in Portugal.

Who is José’s wife?
His wife’s name is Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro

How many kids did José have?
José and Maria had four kids: Elma, Katia, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Hugo.

When did  Jose Dinis Aveiro pass away?
José passed away when Ronaldo was just 20 years old.

Did José like gardening?
Yes, José loved gardening. He spent his days taking care of plants.

Did Jose Dinis Aveiro like football?
Yes, José enjoyed watching football on TV.

Did José have any pets?
Yes, he often cared for stray dogs and cats in his neighborhood.


– So, friends, we learned about Jose Dinis Aveiro, Ronaldo’s dad. He was a gardener who loved nature and taught Ronaldo to work hard and be kind. – José loved his family, and his wife Maria was his biggest support. They had four kids, and Ronaldo is one of them. – Sadly, José is not with us anymore, but his lessons live in Ronaldo’s heart. Ronaldo is now a big soccer star who helps people, just like his dad taught him. – Seeing how a simple man like José can shape a superstar like Ronaldo is beautiful. This shows that love, hard work, and kindness always win.


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